Thursday, 23 February 2012

Azmain and Erdinc choice of music

I have chosen 3 sounds which may be used as scores in the opening of our film from this website:

My first choice is 'Final Count'. I have this as my first choice because the genre of our film is thriller, and it matches the genre as it is intense and gives out dark waves which establishes genre. It is also unnerving which adds the effect of the suspense of thriller.

My second choice is 'What You Want (version 2). I have this as my second choice because it's aggressive and the criminals in our film opening have aggressive natures. It is also dark and unnerving as the first one is but also fairly upbeat at the same time which makes it unique.

My third choice is 'Wounded'. I have this as my third choice because it is calm but at the same time has a dark feeling to it. The somberness of the piano lets the audience relate to innocence of Vijay and the situation that he is in.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Jayeb's movie title

This is the movie title that we made in the programme 'Motion'. This may suits our film opening as Vijay only has 5 hours to find the tape. The circling motion in the background may impose his lost state of mind as he is going through a lot of stress and his wife's life is in danger.

Azmain's movie title

This is a title which I have made in the programme 'Motion' for our film opening. I chose the flip clock type of design for my title as it gives gives an effect to the audience that Vijay has an ultimatum and time is running out as the hours go down.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Opening Credits Research - Ishmail

This is the opening credits for the film "se7en" from the clip above you can see the many different ways the text that are entering. I like the effects that were incorporated into the opening and will try to do something similar in our opening.

How does the opening of our film establish genre? By Azmain

The opening of our film is meant to establish the genre 'thriller'. It does this in numerous ways, such as the way the characters are dressed. The villians are dressed smart to give off an impression that they are serious about what they are doing,in this case,commiting murder. The digital clock dial also establishes genre as it gives the innnocent man (Vijay) an ultimatum,as he only has 5 hours to get the tape or else the hitmen will kill his wife. In typical thrillers, there is usually an antagonist and a protagonist, in the case of our film opening, the antagonists are the hitmen who threaten to kill Vijay,after commiting a murder. Thrillers are most likely to take place in cities,our film opening is in the city of London,which establishes genre also. Typical storylines consist of characters being placed in a menacing situation and life is threatened and it is usually crime related. The menacing situation in our film opening is Vijay having to get the tape within 5 hours,his wifes life is threatened,and the crime is the murder which Vijay witnessed. Jayeb,Ishmail and Erdinc will be wearing 'form-fitted clothes' to emphasize their build,therefore their power over Vijay.

Practice shots for our film opening by Azmain

On Monday,Jayeb,Ishmail and I took part in taking practice shots for our film opening. We took an over the shoulder shot which when played back,didn't turn out to well,as the framing was off,so we now know to make sure there is no uneccesary bits in our filming which doesn't need to be there. We also took a long shot of the crime taking place in our film opening,this went fairly well but could of been improved,as the framing was also slightly off. Also,we tried to portray a focus pull,but it couldn't be done with the equipment that we were given for the practice shots,but the framing was perfect for it,so we know what to do when we use the equipment capable of doing a focus pull for our main filming.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

How thriller movies have given us ideas on our film opening-Azmain

From this trailer,we have incorporated certain aspects which the trailer consists of into our film opening. The idea of Vijay in our trailer only having 5 hours to get the tape or else his wife will be killed is similar to the idea of the father having 96 hours to find and save his daughter or she will get sold by sex traffickers.

The ways in which genre is established in this film opening is as follows:

·         Titles of facts about sex trafficking are shown at the start, which may foreshadow the main characters daughter being sex trafficked and the father having to find and save her.
·         The score in the trailer also establishes genre as it gives chills to the audience as the pianos play.
·         “Oh my God, they got Amanda” signifies that someone has been kidnapped, thrillers consist of kidnappings.
·         “I will kill you” life is threatened, but in this case, the protagonist is threatening the antagonist.
·         Props such as guns are used to symbolize crime.
·         The fast cuts in the trailer give an idea of chaos.